A four holed flute made from a femur bone of a bear was found in a cave in France. Flutes have been found in tombs in Egypt and depicted on their walls. Clay flutes and whistles...
Music in the Grove
Is there music in the grove? Is bamboo surrounded inside and out with music?
Can bamboo communicate? If so, how? Can one interact with living Bamboo?
My First Flute
Up to this time I owned and loved a wooden flute that was made in India. The strong wood revealed a lovely grain. A brass ring hugged the end of it, looking like a prince from...
The Parable of the Flutemaker
A Spiritual Application of Flutemaking Warning! This may impact your life and be a great blessing I have been known to say, that the art of Bamboo Flutemaking boils down to where the holes should go...
Erik the Flutemaker in Nicaragua March 2019
March 15, 2019: Day 1 Douglas the architect and Bradford his son and I, were just about to touch-down in Managua when our plane was suddenly thrown to the ground with wind shear, I could feel...