About Us

Welcome to Erik’s flute world, you are about to embark on a fabulous musical journey!

What do you get when you combine flute making skills that passed the test of time, flute music that enchanted presidents and a deep love for people? Well, you get Erik the Flutemaker, a Company born out of the desire to share Erik Sampson’s love for flutes, flute music and people.

The core values at Erik the Flutemaker’s foundation are obvious for those that had the pleasure to interact with its founder, but taken individually speak loudly about who he is, his life journey and passion for others.


What started in Mexico as an adventure proved to be a life passion for the past 50 years, a passion that yielded over 150,000 wind instruments used by so many around the globe.

Erik settled in Florida due to the great flute making bamboo called Bambusa Multiplex that grew in southern China and settled into Japan for centuries. Finding old clumps of bamboo to make your flutes has been his joy and a treasure.

We are also providing instruments in Exotic Cocobolo wood from the Pacific rim from Nicaragua to Mexico and working with Carbon Fiber and other materials. 


Over the years, Erik had the privilege of spending time in studios that have captured many wonderful moments. As he has always asked our Creator to bless his work, some of it is absolutely amazing.

You can hear a sample of his Bamboo flute music here. It is world music, using 15 bamboo flutes and bamboo saxes. Nice mood music.

His heart has always been to use his music to bring peace and joy into this world. To that end, the proceeds of all his online music sales go directly to help the Kids of Cascabel


Since 2006 Erik wanted to give even more to this world, so he founded Flutemaker Ministries, an organization whose aim is to rescue children from the Somoto garbage dump in Nicaragua and give them a second chance at life. Through the help of so many generous people, a children’s home was built and in 2012 we started a farm that now feeds many. Since then we have repaired and built 13 homes for destitute single mothers with children with disabilities. We continue to bring food and household supplies to 266 children with disabilities, serve children food at feeding centers and establish micro-businesses to break the cycle of poverty.

If you want to support our work, you can do so by making a donation through our “❤ Helping Children” link at the bottom of the page. For more information, you can visit FlutemakerMinistries.org.

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