You can really get a good feel for Genesis by viewing the video below.

Genesis is one of the neatest kids I have ever met. One day she said to me, "Brother Erik, do you know the thing I dislike about your pool? It is getting out." Then one day she asked, "What kind of worm is the one you most dislike?" And I said, "The worm in my mango." And we both had a good laugh.
Genesis is one of the kids in the Mercy Ministry in Nicaragua that we help. She had a group of veins that created a malformation on her lip and areas behind her eye and cheek and nose. She and her mom, Keylin came to the US for treatments though a network of foundations which we are so grateful for.
Genesis arrived April 16th for 7 procedures and then some plastic surgery. They stayed for 7 months, leaving November 14th.

Genesis has learned how to swim, speak some English, enjoys art and was tutored by a neighbor.

Keylin learned how to sew by a seamstress.
For a good break they went to Disney World. With all sincerity she said, "Does Mickey and Minnie and all the others live in that castle?" She even asked me if Santa Claus visited Florida. You don't meet 10 year olds like this.

We learned this family of 3 was extremely poor and bathed out of a bucket.
On one occasion when the family of 3 traveled to medical appointments in Managua for 3 days they spent all the money they had. Upon arriving at home they had nothing to eat. A car horn honked and they went out to see who had come. It was our team delivering a big food bag for a month along with household supplies. I was blown away when I heard this story from Keylin, a mercy mom. That we actually do make a difference.
When I inquired about the condition of their home, our team on the ground reported that their roof rafters were eaten by termites and that their adobe walls could not hold up a new roof due to cracks. They were sharing a latrine with a neighbor, their front door was broken, their cement washtub leaked and they all slept in one room.
Linda and I were moved to build them a new house with a bathroom and Genesis her own bedroom
I was thinking that this was going to need some serious funding and I went to sleep. The next day a customer who became a donor and had Genesis in his heart, was about to buy an expensive item. But the next morning he heard his heart say "Cancel the item, Erik needs the money." Because of this, we decided to build her house. The next morning he canceled his order and sent us $1,000. Since then, funding for Genesis new house has came in. How wonderful! To those that helped, thank you all for sharing.

June 11

June 13th

June 15th

Levi, Genesis' dad.
When Levi was a boy, his alcoholic father would send him to attend 2 cows with just a tortilla, salt and coffee in his stomach. Starving, Levi would leave the cows and search for guavas and mangos and steal an egg to eat. When his dad got paid, he drank it. Levi would find him in the street sleeping in his vomit. Levi's mom left him with her 4 other kids but Levi felt his father would die if he left him too, so he stayed with him. At 12 years old, his mom found Levi suffering and took him to Managua where she had settled. He saw so much food there he would not stop eating thinking it would end. Levi always dreamed of having a bike but never had one.
When Flutemaker Ministries recently hired him to work for A Heart To Love foundation, he borrowed money to buy a bike to get to work. Without funds the interest was growing fast. When Keylin took Genesis to her first appointment a lady in the waiting room handed her $100. She sent it to Levi, who paid off his bike and the interest. Makes me think that God gave him that bike.
After a few years Levi's mother and father both came to peace in Christ and were reunited and now together serve the Lord. Levi has a bike, is building his new home, his daughter is getting healed and his wife is learning a trade. I got to meet Levi's dad when we took her home. He sang a song about her ordeal and had the whole place was spell bound with his love and humor. It was so nice to meet him and see him well.

June 19

June 20

June 27th

June 28th

July 3

July 20

July 25th roof getting ready to go on.


Sept 15: Genesis' uncle, one of the happy workers at the Genesis construction site.

Sept 26: Almost done... finishing some tile work and getting ready for doors and windows.
While the house was being made Genesis posed for pictures as her lip was being treated.

After the 7 procedures of Chemo Therapy with Dr. DaBuse this is how Genesis looked.
Oct 2: Genesis was released from the care of Dr. Dabuse at Baptist Hospital into the care of Dr. Perlyn at Children's Hospital in Miami for plastic surgery.

The plastic surgery went extremely well.

November 5th was Genesis birthday and we went out to eat. Our server who brought us bread even gave us an offering!
On Nov. 14th we all flew back to bring Genesis back home.

Leaving Florida.

Getting ready to land in Managua and spend the day with Levi.
I wanted a fun day with just Levi and Genesis and Keylin bonding so we traveled to Masaya to buy them some chairs for their patio and some plants and planters. I used my birthday and Christmas money as this was so in my heart to do.

What a blessing this day was.
We got home after midnight and her family that lived in houses next door had retired for the night. But when they heard us arrive they all got out of bed and dressed and came over.

The great grandma weeping on Genesis as her mother looks on in tears.

Hugging Linda.

The midnight family reunion. We all gave thanks to God for a successful trip and all the blessings that fell on this family. It was also a blast for us all to see their new house.

Three days later Genesis was awarded a medal for courage and was loved on by the Mayor of Jalapa.

Later that day we inaugurated her home and it seemed like the whole village came out.

Her church who prayed so hard for her miracle came out to celebrate.

They partied way into the night.

Genesis is back home with her friends. When she came to us she didn't even know how to play with toys. She left with a bunch of them.
What an honor and joy to serve this loving family.
Thank you to Genesis' special supporters like my customer Jeff in Maine and Ambassadors of Love for your help with funding and for the water tank and tower.
After the plastic surgery, I became aware that Genesis teeth had grown very crooked. We would love to see her get braces. If you would like to help with this, please send Genesis a gift to www.FlutemakerMinistries.org and add in the comment box, "To help fix Genesis teeth!", Thanks! Erik
Erik Sampson - President of Flutemaker Ministries